Assessment of exposure scenarios and social vulnerability to sea level rise for the sustainable use of the territory

Publications in International Journals
Carrilho, J., & Trindade, J. (2022). Sustainability in Peri-Urban Informal Settlements: A Review. Sustainability, 14(13), 7591. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14137591
Khouz. A., Trindade, J., Oliveira, S. O., El Bchari, F., Bougadir, B., Garcia. R.A.C., and Jadoud, M. (2022). Landslide susceptibility assessment in the rocky coast subsystem of Essaouira, Morocco. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 22, 3793–3814. https://doi.org/10.5194/nhess-22-3793-2022
Trindade, J., Oliveira, S. C., Khouz, A., Garcia, R.A.C., ElBchari, F., Chaibi, M., Bougadir, B. (submitted). Coastal slope instability and susceptibility mapping in Safi, Morocco. Journal of Coastal Conservation.
Khouz, A.; Trindade, J., El Bchari, F., Bougadir, B., Oliveira, S. O., Garcia. R.A.C., and Jadoud, M. (submitted). A comprehensive comparison among Machine learning modeling algorithms for landslide susceptibility assessment in Essaouira coastal area. Journal of Coastal Conservation.
Publications in National Journals
Trindade, J., Reis, E., Rocha, J., Oliveira, S., Santos, P. P., Garcia, R., Pereira, S., Silva, A. A., Pinheiro, S. (submitted). Methodology for sea level rise hazard assessment in the exposed coastal zone of the Portugal mainland. GeoGaceta, SEG.