Assessment of exposure scenarios and social vulnerability to sea level rise for the sustainable use of the territory

Workshop | HighWaters
Assessment of exposure scenarios and social vulnerability to sea level rise for the sustainable use of the territory
Date | 26th June 2023 (Monday)
Venue | IGOT – Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning / Lisbon University
Opening Session | 10h00
José Luís Zêzere – Director of the Geographical Research Centre
10:15 – 11:15 | Conference:
Land Use Planning in the Coastal Zone: Lessons Learned and not Learned to Advance
Natural Hazards Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation
Gavin Smith - Professor of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning,
North Carolina State University
1st Session | 11:30h – 12:30h
Moderator: Sérgio Oliveira
11h30 | The Highwaters R&D project (Jorge Trindade)
11h45 | Sea level Hazard Zones of the Portuguese mainland (Jorge Trindade)
12h00 | Land use land cover projections in coastal areas (Jorge Rocha)
12h15 | Discussion 15’
12h30 – 14h00 | Lunch
2nd Session | 14:00h – 16:00h
Moderator: Eusébio Reis
14h00 | Coping capacity of coastal communities (Pedro Pinto Santos)
14h15 | Social vulnerability in coastal areas (Pedro Pinto Santos)
14h30 | Discussion 15’
14h45 | Risk profiles of Portuguese parishes exposed to sea level rise (Susana Pereira)
15h00 | Roadmap to adaptation to sea level rise scenarios (José Luís Zêzere)
15h15 | Discussion 15’
Closing Session | 15h30
José Luís Zêzere – Director of the Geographical Research Centre
Date of the event:
26 th June 2023
Event location
Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning
Rua Branca Edmée Marques
1600-276 Lisbon