Assessment of exposure scenarios and social vulnerability to sea level rise for the sustainable use of the territory

Conceptual model

The conceptual model summarizes both risk dimensions and timescale analysis and scenarios. To accomplish the project objectives, hazard, exposure, vulnerability, and coping capacity will be addressed in a diagnosis perspective and through mid- and long-term scenarization. Risk components determination will then be the basis for municipal risk profiling and for risk management and adaptation proposals that compose the roadmap for SLR adaptation.
Highwaters aims to build a roadmap for sea level rise adaptation regarding mid- and long-term land use planning strategies based on municipality risk profiling for the Portuguese mainland sea level rise hazard zone (SLRHZ). Scenarios include the reference timesteps of 2040, 2070 and 2100. In detail, specific objectives are:
i) to identify the SLRHZ by downscaling the Climate Central SLR Global Model for projected reference timesteps;
ii) to diagnose land use changes with focus on build-environments over the last 20 years and project them to mid- and long-term scenarios;
iii) to diagnose exposure, vulnerability (both physical & social) and coping capacity and project them to the reference timesteps;
iv) to build mid- and long-term municipality SLR risk profiles and identify its main driving forces;
v) to propose a roadmap for SLR adaptation regarding mid- and long-term land use planning strategies.